CAI Celebrates 35 Years of Superior Custom Manufacturing

Waterproof Cables: What They Are & Why They’re Important

Waterproof Cables: What They Are & Why They’re Important

CAI Combines Off-the-Shelf Solutions With Overmolding to Protect Cables From Water   Electrical cables and wires are all around us, whether inside the buildings we occupy, buried deep in the ground, or stretched across pools high above. Because they’re used for a...

Electrical Wire & Cable Crimping: Benefits & Methods

Electrical Wire & Cable Crimping: Benefits & Methods

Understanding the Go-To Joining Method for Electrical Cable & Wires   Secure, reliable connections are vital to the performance of cables, wires, cable assemblies, and wire harnesses prevalent in electrical and telecommunications systems. Crimping and...

Thanks to Everyone Who’s Played a Part in Their Success, CAI Is Poised for an Even Brighter Future Ahead

On Wednesday, October 19, Corey Associates (CAI) celebrated its 35th anniversary of delivering custom-built, high-quality component and wire harness manufacturing solutions to countless satisfied clients in dozens of industries across the globe. Throughout October, CAI has been recognizing this significant milestone, giving thanks to all who’ve helped along the way, while looking forward to many more years of success as one of the best in the manufacturing business.

Whether creating niche product prototypes or simply helping customers turn their ideas into full production runs, CAI has a long history of exceeding industry standards with a personalized turnkey approach to every project, producing complete product from design to delivery. Featuring extensive all-volume capability, CAI continues to supply many markets with their superior harnesses, assemblies, and components. But without the foresight and leadership of one remarkable woman, CAI President Karen Kosydar, CAI would have never existed.

In 1987, with encouragement from her employer at the time, Karen took a leap of faith when she started Corey Associates on her own, taking root in the village of Greentown, Pennsylvania. Through much determination, she’s been the persevering backbone of CAI, helping it grow into the strong, sustainable and ever-adaptive business that it is today, while also seeking to do good deeds and (often silently) giving back to the community.

“When Karen began CAI, she didn’t know it but she was setting the wheels in motion for a company that would have a huge impact on many people’s lives up to this day,” said Jason Alicia, CAI General Manager. “From creating family-sustaining jobs to giving clients all they need to bring their products to life, CAI has done great things, and without Karen’s strategic vision and unwavering leadership through thick and thin, none of it would’ve been possible.”

With Karen at the helm, CAI has grown their clientele exponentially and incorporated various process solutions over the years. Still, despite what those around her know about her incredible contributions and achievements, Karen always explains that the key to her success has been the patronage of their many loyal, long-term clients and most importantly, the talented, dedicated CAI team of technicians, assemblers, office administrators, and managers. From prototype to production, the CAI team partners with each client, giving them the individual attention and personal touch many other manufacturers fail to offer, to make sure that their project runs seamlessly and their vision is fully realized.

“We wouldn’t be the strong, successful company we are today without our amazing employees — past and present – who’ve always been our most valuable resource,” said Karen Kosydar. “Their incredible dedication and commitment to our success has truly been awe-inspiring. I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work they do, day in and day out, giving their all to ensure our ever-growing global clientele gets the industry-leading service they deserve. It’s been a great 35 years and we’re stronger than ever. I’m very excited for our future!”